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This is some radical information about "our able diverse worlds"--NOT for newbees to Autism.

Over the past 25 years of our operations we sought to apply more well-established scientific research that had solid evidence-based grounds for doing best Autism fieldwork in cognitive-developmental model projects. That mouthful means that our charitable Autism programs were run in followership to the soundest of developmental systems theory and practice studies that had first been rigorously trialed to serve whole state populations (n=4000) long term (one generation~15 years then and 40 years now) with unprecedented success. More, they were designed using readily available resources over our life spans and across home, school, work and community settings. This best Autism practice inquiry, like parallel behavioral model research, was operated by university-based psychologists with a great depth of professional expertise as Autism direct program staff trainers and trainers-training consultant components. Most sound Autism models came about in this same way. In addition to that field-tested best practices base that we chose to follow we sought out and created complementary program model elements to build on that solid program foundation.

By 2005, we had shared our research work on our mission on a detailed web resource. We planned to take that information resource down in 2009 and update and and refine it based on new research and practice work of our own. However, in 2010-2012 we learned that the Autism community members, organizations, and institutions that we had supported and that had supported us were already well ahead of us in their work to present new Autism science in that this was their sole mission. More importantly, two of our main professional and university-based Autism model training sources sent unexpected notice to all of their training graduates that they would now retake full content control in order to offer it in a "certification" model.. This information had been central to our web page. So while had enjoyed free and public information content permissions, for over a decade from those good will sources that was to be permanent, we needed to take down two of four core elements of model information from our websites. This was not bad news for the world of Autism as these training organizations were going to offer certification training for providers nationwide--a goal we very much supported--but it was a challenge to all our work to date.. By 2013, the Autism Research Institute, the Autism phase of the Human Genome Project, All Autism Societies globally and specifically our Autism Society of Oregon were now providing much of our remaining web-based information in up-to-date forms.

However, all of these obstacles to our web project goals represented a relatively happy finding for our organization because we never duplicated other organizations mission efforts and more, we had been gathering resources and doing research in alternative Autism information through studying other ways of knowing. doing, being, and making inquiry in able loss since 2000. In other words, we were relieved of having to carry our former established Autism information load and free to find our authentic voice about our atypical organizational journey through well-grounded Autism best practice endeavors out in the world and across our diverse cultures.

In more usual terms, now a number of large well-known websites present either "evidence-based" scientific publications or important experience-based personal stories through social media and popular books. Yet, there is a big middle ground of human inquiry and useful information about the social studies of sceince, systems theory-in-action works, new cultural critiques of able groups' histories, and sacred qualitative inquiry into intellectually founded story telling about our mutual experiences of Autism. These other ways are so far outside what is seen as Autism information they still excluded from alternative, let alone the mainstream, worlds of information about human development, change, society, and lives lived. So there we are...a small non profit of volunteers ready, able, willing to fill that gap as our next mission.

This way, our new web information goal adapted to become building a meta-model web site that builds that informational resource gap as an unaware unknown community need with our own and other marginal organizations and liminal individuals pursuing those and other topics of interest.